Emergencies occur nearly every day and affect thousands of communities around the world, leaving people in urgent need of help to survive and recover. Rapid assistance can save lives during an emergency. With immediate and flexible financial support, relief agencies and local organizations that are first responders can deliver help within days when the needs are most significant and immediate response is critical.
Slow-onset emergencies, such as food crises due to drought, require targeted support to help people recover and build community resilience to cope with future shocks. Ayeyarwady Foundation ensures that our partners are better prepared to respond to, and recover from, emergency situations and help communities “build back better” with innovative tools and approaches.
Nargis Cyclone
On 2nd May, 2008, the natural disaster, namely Nargis Cyclone, with the peak winds of 10 km/h and the strong surge 20 feet up devasted Ayerwaddy Region casing catastrophic destruction and at least 138,000 fatalities. Employees from Max Myanmar Group of Companies and Myanmar National player were among the forerunners rushing to the scene with relief commodities such as medicines, food, clothes, blankets, drinking water, pots and pans, cash, etc for the immediate emergency relief to the Cyclone-victims survivors. And also survivors were conveyed to relief camps by cars and motorboats with the provision of health care and foods aid and shelter assistance. Ayeyarwady Foundation also participated in construction of urgently needed shelters and Chairman U Zaw Zaw led aid team staying in this Cyclone-affected area for six months by carrying out relief and rehabilitation works.
A total of 200 buildings were constructed and donated by Max Myanmar and earth-moving equipment and logistics were deployed for development work. Cyclone shelters for 1000 people capacity cum hospital that could stand natural disaster and 20 feet high tidal waves were constructed in Cyclone-affected Pyinsalu Town and ambulances and fire-fighting were donated for emergency patients and fire hazards.
Our companies carried out rehabilitation works committing 1,500,000,000 kyats (U.S 1.7 million) for this project. “Lu Nge Arr Man (Youth Power)” Vocational Training School costing 380,000,000 kyats (US 400,000) for homeless and orphaned children was constructed at 3 mile camp in Laputta Town. We continued the necessary humanitarian assistance and rehabilitation works to Cyclone-affected areas on year on after Nargis Cyclone.
Flood relief and Rehabilitation operations
To effectively address the continuing difficulties faced by the victims of recent floods, Ayeyarwady Foundation has opened base camps in the four townships of the Ayeyarwady Division (at Zalun, Ingapu, Thar Boung and Yay Kyi) and engaged in rescue and rehabilitation operations.
Accordingly, the Ayeyarwady Foundation has set up storage areas in four townships to try and fully address the emergency needs of the victims on such essential items such as rice, edible oil and drinking water. In addition, to systematically deal with the long-term issue of rebuilding these communities, the Foundation
Relief for Bago Flood Victims
Ayeyarwady Foundation went to Bago on August 8, 20014 to help the flood victims who lost their homes and facing a lot of difficulties. Ayeyarwady Foundation donated rice, oil, clean water and noodles for the 2000 families who left their homes and stayed at different camps in Bago. In the Bago relief trip for the victims, the staffs from the subsidiaries of Max Myanmar Holding Co. Ltd, Ayeyarwady Bank and Ayeyar Myanmar Insurance, about 200 people in total, had joined and divided into six groups when the team arrived to Bago and went to different camps in the city.
Kalay – Kalaywah Road Repairs (Under-Way)
Ayeyarwady Foundation has started the repairs for Kalay-Kalaywah Roads that were badly damaged by the recent floods. Due to the destruction, there have been difficulties faced in delivering relief supplies to Kalay, a flood-affected area. In addition, AYA Foundation is also taking the initiative to clear away any remnants that the flood may have left.
One of the flood Relief Teams from Ayeyarwady Foundation is also working with another Relief Team that works with Rakhine National Party to offer Relief aid to villages along Thayee Creek such as Pyaine-Can, Kyar Kan, Ma-Kyar, KhaHlaing, Kyet Khin, Nay Pu Khan, Kun Cuan Villages Medical supplies and dried foodstuff were also offered.
Second flood Relief Team from the foundation made a trip to Pandaung Township in Pyay, Bago Region to praide relief aid to Flood victions in Thayar Thit, Tharyar Thaung, Latt Tha Kone, Naut Tan Kone, Kant Lant Kone & Ohe Pho Kone Villages. Third Relief Team was deployed to Taung Yay Kyaw Village in Shwe Taung while another team was deployed to Nyaung Tone in Ayeyarwady Division to offer relief aid to flood-affected villages.